Sherinne Cropley Counselling Services
provides professional counselling therapy for a wide range of mental health and wellness concerns. I am dedicated to helping you live your life in fullness.

I focus my work on adults and children, empowering individuals through the often difficult life-cycle changes. I will provide you with the support you need to:
  • Thrive, rather than survive
  • Reduce stress, worry, and anxiety
  • Reduce symptoms of depression
  • Focus on wellness, personal growth, and self-improvement
  • Transition through major life, career, and relationship changes
  • Identify and make changes in negative thinking patterns
  • Address self-harm and find ways for healing
  • Identify boundaries necessary for healthy relationships
  • Identify and heal from hurt caused by abuse in relationship
  • Identify abusive people in one’s life, and how to deal with them 
  • Move forward from the effects of childhood abuse and trauma
  • Work through feelings of grief from loss 
A grave mistake we make in society is to treat as normal, those who misuse their power. This mistake is made by Judges, Lawyers, Counselors, Police Officers, Pastors, and family members alike. The abuse mindset is one of the most unhealthy mindsets. In layman’s terms; the bully. Colluding with this often covert mindset is a great societal crime. Those who misuse their power believe they themselves are the victims, thereby gathering all non-discerning as their allies. When we collude with the abuser he/she hears “I am not doing anything wrong." To the actual victim this says, "I am alone and without help."

The saying, “It takes two” does not apply to abuse.
All “it” takes, is one abusive mindset.

Sherinne Cropley MAMFT, RCC 
sherinnecropley@gmail.com  |  604-309-7910
British Columbia, Canada